

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // REAL INSECT ESTATE

In February 2021, the GEH8 art and culture center launched a design competition for an […]

Neighborhood brunch at GEH8

Solidarische Aktion Pieschen invites you to a neighborhood brunch. It would like to introduce itself, […]

Irish Concert “Dark Past”

The entry is free.

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Music meets Yoga! With Forest Roots & Anna Zepnick.

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. Music […]

Matthias Lorenz // Fremdbestimmt 4: Sound

Friedemann Schmidt-Mechau – Program compilation / Matthias Lorenz – Violoncello We all have an idea […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Matthias Bausch + Ekkehard Tischendorf – NONPLUSULTRA

  Matthias Bausch studied painting and graphic art at the Dresden Academy of Art and […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Tiziana Foit + Lea Weiß – Berührungspunkte. Betrachtungen zu Zärtlichkeit

Peach fuzz on skin, flowers in the kitchen, long sundays under the covers, laughing and […]

Jahresausstellung + Vernissage „THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL!?”

“The winner takes it all!” is the title of the annual program of the GEH8 […]

It’s here! The project film for the performative reading of “*Topie – Space is the case” (2023)

Last year, *TOPIE was the title and occasion for the publication of an anthology by […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Lea Hoffbauer + Margarita Mednikova – leaking

It drips and flows when Lea Hoffbauer builds up her pictures layer by layer. Ink […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Thomas Judisch + Robert Vanis – Die Kubatur des Alltags

This year we are continuing our GEH8 + 1 concept, in which each studio tenant […]


Saxony’s creative music scene in the spotlight On April 13, 2024, the second round of […]

Filmfest Dresden „Total Refusal: Everyday Daylight“

In a live gaming lecture, the media guerrilla Total Refusal takes us through the digital […]

Pecha Kucha Pieschen at GEH8

A new round of Pecha Kucha Nights in Pieschen will start again in 2024! Open […]

Participation of GEH8 at the 9th Künstlermesse Dresden

The upcoming KÜNSTLERMESSE DRESDEN will take place from March 22 – 24, 2024 at the […]

3rd children’s flea market in the GEH8

Come along to the 3rd children’s flea market on the grounds of GEH8. It starts […]

Open Call to the Exhibition: THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL!?

“The winner takes it all!” is the title of GEH8’s 2024 annual program. In a […]

Georgic cooking evening for all generations at GEH8

This evening aims to bring together different people from Pieschen. In cooperation with the Georgians […]

WERKRaum Exhibition+ Vernissage // IN CASE

Marleen Andreev, Matthias Bausch, Thomas Judisch, Stefan Lenke, Michael Merkel, Julia Pommer, Heinz Schmöller, Sara […]

GEH8 in „111 Orte in Dresden, die man gesehen haben muss”

  “What happened to Europe’s largest abattoir? What does the molar of a woolly rhinoceros […]

Teilnahme der GEH8 am Projekt „GREEN CULTURE INDEX” mit eigener Klimabilanz

2023 nahm die GEH8 am Projekt „Green Culture Index Sachsen“ (GCI) teil, um erstmals überhaupt […]


Dear friends of GEH8, An eventful year full of diverse experiences and encounters is coming […]


ATTENTION! THE EVENT HAS BEEN DELETED! Fleamarket during advent at GEH8

Because of sickness at the team, the event won’t take place!!   For the first […]

Offline Market at GEH8

In cooperation with the GEH8 café, the offline store will take place on December 9 […]

5th Verstärker Art-Film-Festival: The winners have been announced!

THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED! This year, the Verstärker Art-Film-Festival took place on October 7. […]


  On November 11, 2023, the festival will start in Dresden and continue its spectacular […]

“Traces of Jewish Life in Hellerau in the 1930s and the Rediscovery of the Garden City as a Nazi Place of Longing” – Lecture Commemorating the 85th Anniversary of the 1938 Pogroms.

“Traces of Jewish Life in Hellerau in the 1930s and the Rediscovery of the Garden […]


Open stage for inspiration & networking Cultural professionals present current projects in 6:40 min each […]

WERKRaum Exhibition+ Vernissage // Stefan Lenke + Christoph Wüstenhagen (Hamburg) – Anbetracht des Mondes

The moon serves both artists as a fixed instance in a constantly changing world. It […]

Holger Kasten Grauberg – Gallwespen (Soundcollage and Paperinstallation)

Holger Kasten Grauberg likes to stage things, objects and images. In his new, wall-sized collage […]

Summergarden Concert: Heated Land

Heated Land, an Americana band project around singer and songwriter Andreas Mayrock, who lives in […]

5th Verstärker Art-Film-Festival: participating entries

The selection is ready! Here you can find all participants of our 5th Verstärker Art-Film-Festival, […]

Colorful flea market (from clothes to odds and ends) at GEH8

Come by for the 4th flea market on the grounds of GEH8. Everything from clothes […]

The three-part project “*Topie – Space is the Case” – Publication – Performance – Exhibition

follows an interdisciplinary approach and interweaves different artistic genres -literature, performance, visual arts and music- […]

*TOPIE – SPACE IS THE CASE: A PERFORMATIVE READING & WERKRaum Exhibition „*TOPIE” with Pop-up-Reading for the DCA-OPEN-Gallery-Tour

*TOPIE – SPACE IS THE CASE: A performative reading Foto: AuditivVokal *TOPIE is the title […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte presents: crimejazzorchestra meets Matthieu Anatrella

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

6th Intenational Elbe Dock Festival

The ELBE DOCK International Film Festival is a competition for the best short films from […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Dell Lillinger Westergaard meets Matthias Gruner (presented by Dresdner Drum & Bass Festival)

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte presents: Peter Piek

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

Extend! 5th Verstärker Kunst-Film-Festival: Call for Entries

On the 7th of October the GEH8 Art and Culture Center in Dresden will host […]

OF CHICKENS AND PEOPLE – exhibition, film and exchange around our favorite country animal.

For years, Swedish artist Lovisa Lesse photographed friends on her small farm in Östergötland (Sweden) […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Michael Merkel + Pictoric (Ukraine) – MAKE ART NOT WAR

The Pictoric Illustrators Club is a community of Ukrainian illustrators, graphic designers and artists founded […]

Exhibition + Midissage: Energiekulturfabrik

The region around Chemnitz used to be one of Germany’s industrial heartlands, a region on […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Marleen Andreev + Juliane Schmidt – Justthetwoofus

Just as lines meet in a drawing, the paths of the visual artists Marleen Andreev […]


Since 2007, the old Deutsche Bahn hall in Gehestraße has been a new home for […]

Annual exhibition + Vernissage „SPACE IS THE CASE”

Space is the Case is the title of the 2023 annual program of the GEH8 […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Thomas Judisch + Susanne Ring – Über Kinderträume und andere Weisheiten

Wishes are spaces of experience – vessels in which thoughts, once conceived, can manifest themselves. […]

Matthias Lorenz // Fremdbestimmt 3: Wissenschaft

For his current concert series, Matthias Lorenz has given six composers a content-related task and […]

2nd children’s clothes flea market in the GEH8

Come to the 2nd children’s flea market on the grounds of GEH8. It starts at […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Nilsson Samuelsson + Svea Duwe – KRITISCHE MASSE

CRITICAL MASS – Space installation by Svea Duwe and Nilsson Samuelsson on activism, art and […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Tiziana Foit + Franz Burkhardt: Poetics of Cities – analoge Architekturfotografien im urbanen Raum

The exhibition shows a selection of photographs taken in recent years on forays through large […]


Are you looking for rarities and treasures for the coming gardening season? You have seeds […]


Open Call “Space is the case”

From April 29 to June 04, the GEH8 Art and Cultural Center is organizing an […]

Review of the year 2022

Dear friends of GEH8, with fast steps we are approaching the end of the year […]

Announcement publication children’s book: GEH8 – Was machen die da eigentlich?

Still looking for the perfectgift for you and your loved ones? Get a copy of […]

Filmscreenings to the Football World Championship 2022

No World Cup in the tournament’s nearly century-long history has been as controversial as this […]

WERKRaum Exhibition+ Vernissage // Brot und Spiele

Thomas Judisch Michael Merkel Heinz Schmöller et al. No World Cup in the tournament’s nearly […]

Pecha Kucha Night at Zentralwerk Pieschen

Pecha Kucha (Japanese for “chatting all the time”, registered word mark) is a lecture technique […]

Space is the case

On Friday, December 9, the Institut für räumliche Resilienz e.V. and GEH8 Kunst Raum Ateliers […]

Dear Future – Dresden Sustainability Festival

Our world is constantly changing and it is primarily in our hands what the future […]

Pecha Kucha Night at Galvanohof in Pieschen

Eleven creative artists present their current projects at the Galvanohof in Pieschen at the Creative […]

Yearly Exhibition „UNDER CONSTRUCTION” – Opening with Come Together & DCA-Tour

“Construction time again” is the motto for the artistic program of GEH8 in Dresden in […]

Colorful flea market (from clothes to odds and ends) at GEH8

Come by for the 2nd flea market on the grounds of GEH8. This time everything […]

Matthias Lorenz // Fremdbestimmt 2: Werk/Prozess

The concert on 28.9. continues the series “fremdbestimmt” of cellist Matthias Lorenz. This year Benjamin […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Organ Clash meets Kumo

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

If paradise is half as nice IPIHAN#12

Last year, GEH8 Kunst Raum Ateliers launched the project Frei.Raum.Direkt., a multi-layered examination of the […]

Winning designs of the call for entries: Hanging gardens or: Nobody intends to green a wall

GEH8 wants to combine environmental protection with design and was looking for unusual and fresh […]

Fête macht mobil! The Open-Air at your doorstep.

Fête makes mobile! On September 09 and 10, it’s Fête macht mobil again! – The […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Heinz Schmöller – LOOPS

Sculptor and video artist Heinz Schmöller [b. 1975] primarily creates video loops among his video […]

4th Verstärker Art Film Festival: The winners have been announced!

THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN DETERMINED! From June 17 – 18, 2022, GEH8 organized the 4th […]

Pecha Kucha Night at GEH8

Open stage for inspiration & networking: Actors from the fields of art, culture, sports and […]

Open Studios – GEH8

Since 2007, the old Deutsche Bahn wagon repair hall in Gehestraße has been a new […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Julia Pommer – DUG unplugged

“The Neverending Story” by Michael Ende is probably familiar to most. The GEH8 workroom takes […]


What do you know about Mariupol? Mariupol is a port, a resort, home to a […]

Colorful baby and children flea market in the GEH8

  Come by for the 1st baby/children flea market on the grounds of GEH8. It […]

Cello Concert by Sofia von Freydorf & Tobias Bäz

In November 2021, the two young cellists Sofia von Freydorf and Tobias Bäz met for […]

4th Verstärker Art-Film-Festival: participating entries

From June 17 – 18, 2022, the GEH8 Art and Culture Center in Dresden will […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Johannes Gerstengarbe meets Tim Schreiber

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Tolyqyn meets Susanna Großmann

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

Concert Kronenquartett

In June 2020, four Dresden-based musicians meet and immediately a musical symbiosis with a common […]

5th International Elbe Dock Festival

The ELBE DOCK International Film Festival is a competition presenting film students and debut and […]

Outside the Bounding Box – junge Designpositionen zu künstlicher Intelligenz

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now the ubiquitous pace-setter of automation. At the same time, it […]

50 Uhr [das DU im ICH]

A tribute to Matthias Kornetzky (1957 – 2019). Matthias Kornetzky was a central figure in […]

Open Call to the exhibition „under construction“

“Construction time again” is the motto for the artistic program of GEH8 in Dresden in […]

RauschKörper: Dance piece for teenagers from 14 years

RauschKörper thematizes the allure of intoxication, but also the decay of body and soul through […]

GEH8 supports ARTISTS IN WAR program of Jam Factory Art Center, Lviv, Ukraine

Dear friends of GEH8! Today we turn to you with a special and important request. […]

Summergarden OPEN AGAIN

Dear visitors of the GEH8, it is finally time again! The summer garden opens again […]

We become greener! III

This year, too, the grounds of GEH8 will be given a helping hand, because we […]


On December 1, 2021, the book “Dear Svenja – 46 Postcards to the Federal Environment […]

Signing of the Dresdner Charta für Nachhaltigkeit im Kultursektor

On Friday, March 25, 2022, we as an arts and cultural center and 24 other […]

Replacement of the flags on the installation “G? Flags” by Saeed Foroghi

“We all ask ourselves, why is the noise of war swelling again? Another war besides […]


The theme of the exhibition is the equestrian statue. “The ruler on horseback” in its […]

Participation of GEH8 in the eighth artists’ fair in Dresden

  Also this year the artist fair Dresden takes place for the eighth time! The […]

Win at teilAuto’s 2021 christmas promotion!

  We are pleased to announce the winners of teilAuto’s 2021 Christmas campaign! 15 winners […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Stefan Lenke – Painting

Six photographs are the starting point of Stefan Lenke’s new exhibition. Perpetuated in passing as […]

The final documentary on Frei.Raum.Direkt. 2021 is here!

It’s done! We are pleased to announce the completion of the documentation of our project […]

Call for entries: 4th Verstärker Art-Film-Festival

Apply now until 5/8/2022! From June 17 – 18, 2022, the GEH8 Art and Culture […]

WERKRaum exhibition + vernissage // Claudia Kleiner

  “[…] A central aspect of the working process in Claudia Kleiner’s works is stillness. […]

Review of the year 2021

Dear friends of GEH8, for the second time a year comes to an end, which, […]


Announcement! Book launch: Real Insect Estate

OUT NOW! It’s finally here. Under the title REAL INSECT ESTATE, GEH8 2021 launched a […]

eku – FUTURE PRIZE idea: Hanging Gardens. Facade greening at the art and culture center GEH8

In recent years, GEH8 has taken various measures to make its own contribution in the […]

WERKRaum exhibition + vernissage with shop window // Thomas Judisch – Dear Good

INFO: Due to the current situation, the exhibition will only be visible through the new […]

Review OURSPACE Fall Course 2021

For the last time, young people from Pieschen and the Hechtviertel were able to give […]

Frei.Raum.Direkt. Documentation-Video

We are happy to announce the completion of our documentary video as a review of […]

WERKRaum exhibition + vernissage // Susanne Engelhardt: Treasure Islands – Altars, Vases and Bowls made of Ceramics

For more than 10 years Susanne Engelhardt’s studio in GEH8 has been a center of […]

Anmeldung zum OURSPACE Herbstkurs 2021

Five-day workshop – October 18-22, 2021 at GEH8, Gehestr. 8, 01127 Dresden For the last […]

Review OURSPACE Sommercamp N°2 & N°3

At the last two summer camps it was once again: build, saw, spray & nail […]

3rd Verstärker Art-Film-Festival: Award Winners

The winners have been announced! As part of the “Verstärker Program” to support young artists, […]

Announcement: Graphic Novel by Nilsson Samuelsson – Liebe Svenja

On December 1, 2021, the book “Liebe Svenja – 46 Postcards to the Federal Environment […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Sara Hoppe – Fragments

With the upcoming exhibition in the WERKRaum of GEH8, the artist Sara Hoppe shows new […]

Umundu Festival – CLIMATE OF CHANGE (Guided Tour & Film + Talk)

Global climate change is arguably the greatest challenge facing our world today. The risks and […]

Shaping Europe! Participation formats in the EU

Europe is shaped from Brussels? Not true: Europe is everywhere and much closer than is […]

WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Michael Merkel – Einhundertachtundfünfzig Krankenwagen

In October 2021, Michael Merkel will present works from his medical repertoire in the WERKRaum […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Gomringer & Scholz

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

The Reading Club Festival: Ally Klein – The Whale

“Literature as a dare – Ally Klein shows how it can be done.” Wolfgang Huber-Lang […]

3rd Verstärker Art-Film-Festival: participating entries

As part of the Verstärker Program to support young artists, GEH8 is hosting the 3rd […]

Frei.Raum.Direkt. Young Satellites – DIY Building Workshop

young satellites / DIY – Building Workshop Here we saw and build! We design the […]


BRAIN WALK Old Leipzig Station with After-Walk-Party We invite you next Wednesday from 5 pm […]

Esther Kokmeijer / Rotterdam – Artist Residency #3 – Frei.Raum.Direkt.

August 17 – 20, 2021 Frei.Raum.Direkt. Artist Residency #3 Esther Kokmeijer (Rotterdam) From August 17-20, […]


From July 26 to July 30, OURSPACE SUMMER CAMP N° 1 was all about being […]

real insect estate – award winners

The winners have been determined! In February 2021, GEH8 launched a design competition for an […]


  With the project Frei.Raum.Direkt. we were able to test artistic practices as tools for […]

Windkanal – New music for recorders and accordion

For the concert project we have chosen an unusual instrument duo: Accordion and recorders. Both […]

WERKraum Re-Opening

Already last year, the WERKraum created a showcase for the studio tenants of the GEH8, […]

Concert Kronenquartett

In June 2020, four Dresden-based musicians meet and immediately a musical symbiosis with a common […]

Pecha Kucha Night

Eleven creative artists present their current projects in GEH8 – each contribution lasts 6:40 minutes. […]

Fête makes mobile! – The open air on your doorstep

Fête makes mobile! – The open air on your doorstep – special edition 2021  More […]

OURSPACE summer camps

At our summer camps in July and August we are on the road on brownfields […]

Exhibition + Finissage-Brunch: Grüner wird’s nicht!?

Exhibition + Finissage-Brunch „Grüner wird’s nicht!?” In the discussion of the annual theme 2021 of […]

This is how it went at the graffiti workshops

Well equipped with plenty of spray cans, OUR SPACE started into the summer of 2021. […]

Opening – G? Flaggschiffe

G? Flaggschiffe Opening of Saeed Foroghi’s art in construction project. July 3, 2021, 6 pm […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Olicía trifft mDura

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In […]

Graffiti workshop in June and summer preview

Learn in three afternoons the 1×1 of Urban Art and design together with us the […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Laurent de Schepper Trio meets David Pinzer

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte provide a platform for the fusion of sound, image and space-based arts. There […]

eku – FUTURE AWARD 2020 for the project REAL INSECT ESTATE of GEH8

For the project REAL INSECT ESTATE the GEH8 receives the eku – Future Award 2020 […]

We are becoming greener! II

Sustainability at GEH8. As an arts and cultural centre, we take the issue of sustainability […]

open call real insect estate

Call for proposals for the artistic conception and realization of an insect hotel The cultural […]

3rd Verstärker Art Film Festival: call for entries

In May 2021, the GEH8 Kunstraum will host the 3rd Verstärker Art Film Festival and […]


We are art – That was the motto of the fall course

Spontaneity and courage were in demand when it came to creating art in the district […]

Made in Pieschen

Exhibition. Urban planning ideas for urban production, common good and culture in Pieschen. What is […]

Free spinning with OUR SPACE – new autumn holiday course

Free spinning with OUR SPACE! Autumn holiday course from 26-30 October in the GEH8 Because […]

“MOD HELMY” – Talk with Igel Avidan

In his book “Mod Helmy” (dtv, 2017), the Israeli author and journalist Igal Avidan traces […]

Ya-Wen Fu “Metamorphose”

Ya-Wen Fu “Metamorphose” Interactive installation performance Metal, wood, leather, acrylic glass, motor and sensor 2019-2021 […]


UMUNDU – Trash with Brain II: “Ideocracy”

Film presentation with UMUNDU-Festival! We have teamed up with Filmgalerie Phase IV and continue the […]

SoCell – New Music for Sopran and Violoncello

A concert project of the Sächsischer Musikbund e.V. in cooperation with musik21 e.V. (Düsseldorf) The […]

Brot_lose_Kunst III: Solo, Duo, Kollektive? Forms of artistic collaborations

Conversation over bread and dips with Paul Elsner (visual artist), Cindy Hammer (choreographer) & Prof. […]

2nd Verstärker Art-Film-Festival

Under the title “Verstärker” the GEH8 presents projects and exhibitions of students of the HfBK […]

Die Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt

We take the NOW, as well as the desire for it, as a sequence of […]

Günter „Baby“ Sommer meets The Saxonz

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. Thereby […]

Matthias Lorenz // Fremdbestimmt 1: Politik/Gesellschaft

The concert on September 14 marks the start of Matthias Lorenz’s new concert series “fremdbestimmt”, […]

OURSPACE Summercourse

Our summer vacation courses from August 17 to 21 in the GEH8 KUNSTRAUM The summer […]


an exhibition by students of the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden Contemporary perception of aesthetics, […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Josephin Bunde paints to Kid Be Kid

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. Thereby […]


Reading by Ulrike & Nilsson Samuelsson, Max Loeb on the guitar   The year 2020 was […]

3rd international Elbe Dock Festival

3rd International Documentary Film Festival ELBE DOCK   The documentary film festival for debuts of Czech […]

So waren die Sommerkurse

In der vorletzten Sommerferienwoche wurde es kreativ im OUR SPACE Atelier: die Teilnehmer*innen unserer Ferienworkshops […]

We are becoming greener!

A lot has happened in the past year. The area of the GEH8 Kunstraum has […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: JOHANNES ZINK & EZÉ WENDTOIN

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offers a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. The music is […]


As a scholarship holder of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, the […]

Textile Raumnahme – ornamental structure transformation

The two artists Freya Schweer (Halle) and Anne Reiter (Hamburg) use freely suspended, space-consuming textile […]


THOMAS JUDISCH Specializing in three-dimensional design, Thomas, who lives in Dresden by choice, creates sculptures […]


SUSANNE ENGELHARDT Susanne is a ceramist and has been with us at the Atelierhaus for […]


Young artist community of the GEH8 conquers Pieschen Trial dates 26.2., 4.3., 11.3., 18.3. each […]

André und Christian – unsere Kursleiter kurz vorgestellt

The most important thing about our courses and activities is, of course, you as participants, […]

Wasserkränze – Multimedia room installation by Constanze Kresta

Multimedia room installation by Constanze Kresta, Leipzig Welcome, sister. Welcome brother. “We do not touch […]

G?-Flaggschiffe – Saeed Foroghi

An art project by the artist Saeed Foroghi for the GEH8. BACKGROUND Under the title […]


Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

We look back to an exciting, diverse and intense year 2019 of which we would […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Linebug & Selma Juhran

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound, image and space-based arts. Music […]


– Performance, installation, and reading – SATURDAY, 21.9.2019, 19:30, 10:30 pm AFTERPARTY GALLERY TOUR, Fred […]

Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Amore Meow und Annie Quinn

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte provide a platform for the fusion of sound, image and space-based arts. There […]

Summit and metamorphosis

Gipfeltreffen – Aus Rücksicht auf die Zukunft The extensive modernisation and setting the course for […]


PROGRAM Saturday, August 31 In cherished tradition, the GEH8 celebrates its summer festival again this […]

Final presentation: KUNTERBUNT – Minimal Art Gallery

In a Minimal Art Gallery the young participants of our workshop curate their own artworks, […]

GEH8 is a member of TEH

Since May 2019, GEH8 is a proud member of Trans Europe Halles, a network of […]

Veranstaltungen im Rahmen der Raumkonferenz 2019

Wir mischen mit! Gemeinsam mit dem Konglomerat e. V. finden bei uns im Rahmen der […]

The Future of Time

»The Future of Time« is dedicated to the artistic examination of contemporary issues. Whether historical […]

Alte Meister – Epilog

Thursday, July 4, 8 p.m. With the “sonate for cello solo” by Bernd-Alois Zimmermann, composed […]

KATALYZATOR – New cross-border network and cultural catalyzer

SAVE THE DATE Symposium and Launch Session: KATALYZATOR – New cross-border network and cultural catalyzer […]

1st Verstärker Art-Film-Festival: Winners announced!

As part of its “Verstärker” program, GEH8 organizes the 1st Art Film Festival and awards […]

Annual topic 2019: OUT OF FOCUS ON THE FUTURE

In its self-image as a place of artistic exploration of social issues, the GEH8-Kunstraum dedicates […]


Happy christmas and a wonderful new year!

We look back on an exciting, diverse and intensive year 2018, from which we would […]

Cooperation forum for culture

With the German-Czech exchange and cooperation platform we bring together independent art and cultural organizations […]

Workshop : Multicolor – children meet artists

In September 2018 the project “multicolor – children meet artists” started, an educational opportunity initiated […]

Soirée Électrique Au Café Américain: HOBO UFO meets “ ”

      In cooperation with DAVE Festival New York-based musician, artist, and publisher James Hoff, […]


With works by:  J. Tobias Anderson (SWE), Annette Hollywood (DE), Neuen Berliner Kunstverein & Dan Perjovschi […]

Alte Meister 4 – Balance

The composition “sonate for cello solo” of 1960 by Bernd-Alois Zimmermann started a new era […]


“Verstärker” is a new format by GEH8 to present projects and exhibitions by students of […]

Residence Programmes

Over 400,000 euros for our roof, new windows and house electrics

With 403,390 euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), first the roof and then […]


“Today is the first big impression of Mary Wigman. I feel the parallel, like it […]


The solo exhibition BIGASSO BABY includes two video installations of the Berlin artist Annette Hollywood. Hollywood […]

GEH8 makes SUMMER!

Summer time @ GEH 8 ! Let’s go! Enjoy nice weather, blue skies, sunshine AND […]

Artisttalk with Juliane Stiegele/UTOPIA TOOLBOX

As part of the exhibition “Stairway to Heaven” Initiated by Juliane Stiegle in 2010, UTOPIA TOOLBOX is […]

Stairway To Heaven

A group show with Margit Greinöcker (AT), Juliane Stiegele and UTOPIA TOOLBOX (DE), Philipp Gloger […]

A warm invitation to an artist talk with Pawel Kowalski (Breslau, PL) Tuesday – 10. April, 19:30 Uhr – at the GEH8 Art Space!

Since the beginning of this week our first resident of the new exchange-programme for curators […]


A Robot is just a colleague for me.It’s not about how the world of work […]

annual topic 2018: “Model artists” – human, role and artist models

„Let’s say, the art system is a small model, a test field. Other industries are […]

Art needs support!

Pupils, students or pensioners wanted for exhibition supervision!

The fellows for the curator exchange program (Wroclaw/Dresden) have been announced!

This year, for the first time, GEH8 initiates a travel grant for curators between the […]


OPEN CALL! Exchange for Curators 2018 (Wroclaw/Dresden)

Bewerbungsfrist verlängert / Deadline extended: 25.01.2018! This post is also availabe in English: Curators Exchange […]

Between self-organisation and organisation

In 2014, the conditions that had been unfavourable for the GEH8 changed for the better. […]

OPEN CALL! Exhibition participation

In addition to invited international positions, GEH8 Kunstraum & Ateliers e.V. also promotes the work […]

Alte Meister 3 – Leichtigkeit

Matthias Lorenz (cello) plays and comments on works by Helmut Lachenmann, Klaus Huber and Benjamin […]

GEH8 at the Industry Culture Parcour

How can former industrial sites be revitalized? The Spinnerei in Leipzig is a good example: […]


GEH8 Kunstraum & Ateliers e.V. invites you to FALL, an international group exhibition by the […]

Final presentation “I map my body”

The exhibition shows results of seven workshops, a cooperation project of GEH8 Kunstraum with young […]

Winners of the ideas competition Metamorphose GEH8

The environment of GEH8 is changing. This offers us the chance to realign ourselves. We […]

MULTIPOLIS – Images of the City / Dresden

A group exhibition with results of interventions in public space in Sofia (BG), curated by […]

International art scholarship

For the seconde time the foundation “Stiftung Kunst & Musik für Dresden” awards the International […]


Symposium accompanying the exhibition “Fictions are useful”. Beginning on August 19, 11 a.m. – 11 […]

Fictions are useful

International exchange project and group exhibition of artists from Austria and Germany as guests at […]

Artist talk at GEH8

Founded in 1995  by the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the Saxon State Ministry for […]

Visit from the Czech Republic in the art room of GEH8

We have visitors from Ústí nad Labem! On 21.7. from 14 to 17 o’clock young […]

Intermediate use / further building / rebuilding

An evening about architectural strategies between the preservation of historical monuments and building in the […]

Artistic ideas competition: Metamorphosis GEH8

GEH8 is based in a former wagon repair workshop on a wasteland in Dresden Pieschen. […]

our new offices

GEH8 has never had a classic association office in Gehestraße. With support from the  Kreativraumförderung […]

Artist exchange with Columbus / Ohio

The artist exchange program between “Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen” and “Greater Columbus Arts Council”, Columbus/Ohio, […]

Open Call: Workshop I-map-my-body

Kostenloser Workshop für geflüchtete junge Erwachsene zwischen 18 und 25 Jahren Free Workshop FOR REFUGEES between 18 […]


Open Call: Artistic Ideas Competition “Metamorphosis GEH8

GEH8 is based in a former wagon repair workshop on a wasteland in Dresden Pieschen. […]

Artist in Residence Program launched in cooperation with Zentralwerk

Das ZENTRALWERK und GEH8 laden gemeinsam KünstlerInnen, KuratorInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen ein, für einen Zeitraum von […]

Employees wanted

GEH8 is expanding its organization. For our business operations we are looking for employees who […]

Zwischen Selbst und Organisation – Publication on the Reorganization of GEH8

After the first few years of start-up and build-up, it was time to develop a […]

GEH8 receives concept funding from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony

In December 2016, the board of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony […]


OPEN CALL! Application for an exhibition participation in 2018/2019

The GEH8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V. is a non-profit association for contemporary art in Dresden. […]

Hands-On Urbanism. About the right to green.1850 – today.

An exhibition of the Architekturzentrum Wien in cooperation with the 8. Umundu-Festival Dresden Exhibition Period: 20.10. – […]

Supporting program: Hands-On Urbanism. About the right to green

Curatorintroduction: 27. 11., 11 o’clock Curator: Elke Krasny

Supporting program: Hands-On Urbanism. From the right to green

Curator Lecture & Shortfilm to the exhibition 26. 11., 18 Uhr Curator: Elke Krasny

Umundu Kneipenquiz

Kneipenquiz: 26. October, 20 o’clock An event in the framework of the 8th Umundu Festival. […]

Stadtgärten – Gestern, Heute, Morgen

Fishbowl & Lecture: 26. October, 16.30  – 18.30 o’clock An event in the framework of […]

Doug Saunders „Arrival City“

An event of the Ecumenical Information Center in the framework of the 8. Umundu-Festivals Dresden. Reading […]

About GEH8

GEH8 Kunstraum and Ateliers e. V. is a non-profit association in Dresden that promotes contemporary […]

High-Rise – Im Bann der unsichtbaren Städte

Reading and Music: 24. October, 20 o’clock Entrance: 5,- € An event in the framework […]

The Human Scale – Perspektiven einer bürgernahen Stadtpolitik (OmU)

Filmpresentation: 20. October, 20 o’clock An event in the framework of the 8th Umundu Festival. […]

Le Pot: HERA

Saturday, 8. Oktocer 20 o’clock Manuel Mengis (tr), Martin Schütz (vcl), Hans-Peter Pfammatter (keys), Lionel […]


Friday, 23. September 20:00 o’clock a Butoh dance solo by Seda Büyüktürkler with Helga Kölle-Köhler […]

Alte Meister II – Raum

Friday, 16. September 20 o’clock Matthias Lorenz, Violoncello


Tina Beifuss, Anja Kempe, Isabelle Krieg Period: 09 – 25.09.2016 Opening hours: Thu-Sun, 15 – […]

Pecha Kucha Night

Thursday, 21. July 2016, 20 o’clock

build and work

Period: 14.-28.8.2016 Openingtimes: Th-Su, 15-18 o’clock Vernissage: Sa, 13.8.2016, 19.00 o’clock

Artist Talk and OPEN STUDIO

Janis Mars Wunderlich, Austauschkünstlerin / residency exchange artist, Columbus/OH / USA Paul Scott Page, Fotograf / […]


Intercultural workshop and exhibition project with people of all backgrounds by Marleen Andreev, visual artist. […]

! ! ! O P E N C A L L ! ! !


GEH8 summerparty

Saturday, June 11 from 16:00: Exhibition opening EVERYBODY BODYMAP! from 21:30: geh8 SUMMER PARTY The […]


Thursday, June 9, 8:00 p.m. at the Gehestr. 8

Theater Choochoo presents Kalif Storch

On Whitsunday, 15. 5. the theater Choochoo Berlin plays Kalif Storch freely after the fairy […]

Doubleconcert Ava Maude/ Berit Jung

Friday, 06.05.2016, 20:30

Nancy Huenger reads „Wir sind golden. Wir sind aus Blut“

On Saturday, April 23 at 6 p.m. Nancy Huenger will read from her book “Wir […]

Thicker as water

Exhibition Duration: 15.4. – 29.4.16 Opening: 15.4. , 19.00 clock


DAY IN DAY OUT – Disturbances of the digital

Exhibition from 26.09. – 18.10.2015 Opening: 26.09, 18.00 clock Opening hours: Thu-Sun 16-19 h

HEIMAT – Das Bild als Ort der Identität

Opening: 04.09.2015 19:00 Exhibition: 04.09. – 06.09.2015 Opening hours: 10 -18 h

Sailor-Single & TomSky

August 13, 2015, 8 pm

Holy Indpendent Space at the finish!

Sunday 12 July 2015, 6 pm

Filmevening: Katarina Schröter „The Visitor“

Saturday, July 11, 2015, 10 pm

Talk to “Abendmahl” by Susan Donath

Saturday, July 11, 2015, 8 pm

Filmevening: Travelling E (Exile) & La Buena Vida

Thursday 9 July 2015, 8 pm

Lecture and discussion: Sacred duties

Tuesday 7 July 2015, 8 pm

punti di fuga | Fluchtpunkte

4. – 5.7.2015 | 11. – 12. 7.2015 | 17. – 19.7.2015

Drumtraditionjam & Elektro Native Live Act Intiche

Freitag, 3. Juli, 20 Uhr

Lecture: Calligraphy with Hamid Kahdemi

Wednesday, July 1 at 8 pm

Artist Talk with Sarojini Lewis

26. Juni 2015 / 19:30 Uhr


Thursdays from 17:00 to 20:00 (25.06, 02.07 and 09.07.2015)

Holy Independent Space | Opening & Midsommer

June 21, from 3 pm

Holy Independent Space I Program

Sunday 21 June to Sunday 12 July 2015

Holy Independent Space | Exhibition

Holy Independent Space Sunday 21st June – 12th July 2015 Opening Sunday 21st Juni 3 […]

geh8 turns 8!

Saturday 16.05.2015, from 16 pm


May 2 – May 10, 2015 Mon-Fri: 5pm-2pm Sat & Sun: 14-20 h Vernissage on […]

Defense against an apocalypse

25. APRIL 2015 /- 19 O’CLOCK 26. APRIL 2015 /- 19 O’CLOCK

DoubleSoloConcert | Alessandra Eramo & Martin Schulze

23. April 20.00 o’clock

GEH8 Seasonstart with Muzik

The geh8 opens the exhibition and concert season 2015! Saturday, 28.03.2015, 19:00 h Admission on […]


Vernissage: Saturday, 24.1. 2015 from 16 to 22 hrs. open also Sunday, 25.1. 2015 from […]


Concert: Cobalt Cluster

Friday, 26.09.2014, 8 pm

Matthias Lorenz – Cello solo

Thursday 18.09.2014, 19:30

Българска Pабота | Bulgarian Work

Ausstellungszeitraum: 6.9.-27.9.2014 Vernissage: Fr 5.9.2014, 17 Uhr

Open Call for the bulgarian and german exhibition project “Same Standing /183”

END of application: 20. August 2014

Frank Gratkowski “Artikulationen E”

15. August, 20:00 o’clock

Artist Talk with Kaveri Raina (Columbus/Ohio, USA)

28. July, 18:30 o’clock

WORKSHOP: Tracce#3 urbane space

Hannes Buder – E-Gitarre solo

July 17, 2014, 8 pm

Artist talk with Doris Denekamp

8. July, 7 p.m.

between places / je näher desto ferner

6. to 20. July 2014

“G8?” by Saeed Foroghi + WM + geh8 Edition 2014

Bilder der Wiedereröffnung am 21. Juni 2014

Fotos © Thomas Kemnitz: Fotos Konrad Behr (Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0 DE):

OPEN CALL: Art exchange FITAX500


Reopening geh8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V.


Good News!

calendar-edition 2014

Dear friends and supporters of geh8 Art Space and Studio e.V., The new year has […]


Thank you very much and happy new year!

shining #2

10.10.2013 until 10.11.2013 KUNSTLABOR at the E-Werk Freiburg (i. Brsg.)


Monday, 28.10. until Friday, 01.11.2013

s T I mM E N

05.10.2013, 20 o’clock

600 x 10 Euro für die Erhaltung der GEH8

Herzlichen Glückwunsch Freunde! In nur 4 Wochen haben wir es Dank Eurer Hilfe geschafft, die […]

situation of the GEH8 art space

Dear friends and supporters of geh8, We are constantly receiving questions about the current situation […]


18.5. to 2.6.2013

Big Mama’s Concertino (UA)

15.5.2013, 19 o’clock


9.5.2013, 20 o’clock

DONNERSTAG goes to space

2.5.2013, 20 Uhr

Das Kritische Kabinett: Roger Behrens „Die Kritik nach der Kritik“

24.4.2013, 20.00

THURSDAY »Kaleidoskop«


Open pottery day

09. and 10. 03.2013



04.02. – 08.02.2013


open atelier

18.11.2012 /10 – 18 Uhr


26.10. – 11.11.2012


26.10. – 11.11.2012

“Festival Literatur Jetzt!”

19. – 20.10.2012

Performance / Jenny Fine



14.09. – 30.09.12

Fo[u]r Alto


Das Kritische Kabinett: Teil 1 / Aufstellung


Stadtsafari – explore your city!

30.07. – 03.08.2012

15th Dresden International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

23.07. – 04.08.2012



22.07. – 24. 07.2012

Dresden Dimensions

13.07. – 15.07.2012

geh8 INSIDEOUT at the Kunsthaus Dresden

11.07. – 14.07.2012

Niemandsland: All Dies und Nichts


Lange Nacht des Nichts


CYNAL Salon 5.0

26. 04. 2012



Kaschmir wäscht man mit der Hand – Klasse Macketanz

21.04. – 13.05.2012



The Great Escape / Heinz Schmöller

23.03. – 08.04.2012



GEH8 becomes 5


Überleben in Einheiten

29.10. – 06.11.2011

Günter Baby Sommer French Connection


Pierre Borel / Joel Grip



26.08. – 18.09.2011

14. International Dresden Summer Academy of Fine Arts

25.07. – 05.08.2011

»The Stairs That Do Not Care«


octothorpe plays *AEROGEL* – CD-Release-Concert


strand der dinge

24.06 – 17.08.2011




06.05. – 22.05.2011

Artist talk with Esmé Valk (Niederlande)


Irrende Resonanzen – Gespräche zur Hoffnung


unverhofft ins blaue INSTALLATION BY PAUL ELSNER

25.03. – 25.04.2011


22.03. – 31.03.2011



12.11. – 20.11.2010

Wiederkehr der Landschaft

22.10. – 31.10.2010

Tomoko Katsumata presents her works


Alexandr Vatagin & George Bagdasarov



13.08. – 28.08.2010

BAUT extract


back to the drawing board

06.08. – 28.08.2010


02.08. – 07.09.2010

13th Dresden International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

19.07. – 30.07.2010

Various Minds – Summer Fashion Show


André Obermüller Diploma Concert


Discursive Picnic


WM Studio community

13.06. – 11.07.2010

As I remember

12.05. – 06.06.2010



Fo[u]r Alto



02.04. – 18.04.2010

Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen Nr. 13



05.03. – 21.03.2010


06.01. – 31.01.10



21.11. – 29.11.2009

Living and art in Kirgistan


The Eskimo and the futile Guilt


Unser Haus ist Euer Haus

08.10. – 25.10.09

GHOSTS history is always now

03.10. – 18.10.2009




25.09. – 26.09.2009

5 solisten





04.09. – 27.09.2009

Kelly Maleckosak & Anne Keener


12th Dresden International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

27.07. – 07.08.2009

Emilija Cockova Projects in Skopje Mazedonien



04.07. – 19.07.2009

mikster and André Obermüller


nichts mit -ung

24.06. – 15.08.2009

Marco Chacón and André Obermüller



13.06. – 21.06.09

Guitar concert: Max Loeb und André Obermüller


ART FAN Symposium


ART FAN Exhibition

30.04. – 17.05.2009

Reading / endlich nichts! / Edition Azur, Dresden



07. – 15.03.2009


a happy 2009

Party by geh8


A° GüterVerkehrung 1h wanderausstellung aus leipzig


Melissa Vogley Woods Columbus, Ohio, USA


Aleksey Manukyan and Arman Tadevosyan, Armenien


Theater Installation: Ein Monat in Dachau

23.10. – 01.11.2008

FAR SIGHT – close up





30.08.08 – 14.09.08

Spiel mit dem Feuer

18. 07. 2008

Schlaglichter / osservatori attenti

15.06.08 – 29.06.08

ART and GAMES EM 2008

07. 06. – 29. 06. 2008


01.05.08 – 12.05.08


12.04. – 20.04.2008

Mensch und Tier

15.03. – 29.03.2008


Opening geh8 Kunstraum

03.10. – 06.10.2007