Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Tolyqyn meets Susanna Großmann

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In the process, music is always joined by another art form. Each band develops – in addition to playing their own pieces – a composition in real time together with the audience.


Tolyqyn – that’s Roland Satterwhite (plucked viola and voice), Tal Arditi, the jazz guitar prodigy, and drummer Rafat Muhammad. Their debut album TOLYQYN was released in April 2020 to critical acclaim. They even made their TV debut on ZDF’s Morgen Magazin in October 2020. The band juggles rock, jazz, Afro-Cuban rhythms, West African Kora music, high life groove, folk music and other genres across genres. Known for their stylistically diverse experimentation and improvisational talentT, the trio embarks on a musical expedition into virtuosic sonic spheres at every concert. Thus, each concert becomes a unique experience for the audience. Currently the trio is working on a new EP, which will be released this year.


Behind the pseudonym as well as label Sasuli is the fashion designer Susanna Geißler, who lives and works in Dresden. Her work spans artistic one-off pieces, sustainable streetwear and project work. Away from fast fashion, she searches for the social role of fashion and dares the balancing act between fashion design and art.

When: Thursday, May 26, 2022
Start: 8 pm
Where: GEH8

Venue: GEH8 Kunstraum, Gehestraße 8, 01127 Dresden, Germany
VVk: 10€ / reduced 7 € + VVK fees

Reduction: Pupils/students/trainees, Dresden Pass holders, severely handicapped IDs
Contigent: 50