Stadtgärten – Gestern, Heute, Morgen
Fishbowl & Lecture: 26. October, 16.30 – 18.30 o’clock
An event in the framework of the 8th Umundu Festival. The full program at
Urban gardening can look back on a long tradition that tells of growing fruit and vegetables for basic needs, looks back on sterile land design and builds on community cohesion. Looking back, we want to inform about the origin and importance of gardens in urban development, to show the current situation in Dresden and to collectively put together a vision of future garden design as part of the city of tomorrow. Many projects from allotment gardens to community gardens to open urban spaces play an important role in this.
I. Lecture: Stadtgärten – Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Speaker: Catherina Hildebrandt (Dt. Kleingärtnermuseum)
II. FishBowl: Die Stadt als Garten – Wie sieht die Zukunft von Gärten in Dresden aus? mit: Stadtverband „Dresdner Gartenfreunde“ e.V., Gartennetzwerk, Amt für Stadtgrün und Abfallwirtschaft, Umweltamt, Stadtplanungsamt und vielen Gärtnern
Organizer: Dresdner Gartenfreunde e.V. / Gartennetzwerk Dresden
Speaker: Caterina Hildebrand (Deutsches Kleingärtnermuseum Leipzig)