Open Call to the Exhibition: THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL!?
“The winner takes it all!” is the title of GEH8’s 2024 annual program. In a performance culture trimmed for efficiency, the motto describes the one-sided reward in the distribution battle for power, goods and attention. The principle can be found in both the natural and cultural world and is particularly well known for its application in the US presidential election. Those who already have power and resources at their disposal find it easier to increase both even further. The motto “The winner takes it all!” therefore questions the mechanisms behind the accumulation of power and wealth.
A small advantage is often enough, which accumulates over time and develops into an unassailable advantage. In this way, the winner always prevails in distribution battles and increases their superiority. The resulting unequal distribution and division are intensified – further promoted by crises such as those we have experienced in recent years. Not only is the gap between rich and poor people widening worldwide, but the aid organization Oxfam has also recorded a negative trend in Germany. In particular, wealth is very unevenly distributed in this country: According to Oxfam, the entire poorer half of the population owns just 1.3 percent of the country’s wealth. By contrast, the richest ten percent own 67.3 percent and the top 0.1 percent even own 20.4 percent.
“The winner takes it all!” therefore takes the 2023 annual motto “Space is the case” a step further.
The underlying thesis “No space no place” highlighted, among other things, the lack of opportunities for social participation due to a lack of space.In 2024, “The winner takes it all!?” will focus on the causes and consequences of inequality and the resulting conflicts, as well as (artistic) counter-strategies and alternative forms of distribution.Especially in view of this super election year with local, state and European elections, we would like to provide impetus for an artistic examination of a central social issue.
A group exhibition on the annual theme is also planned this year, bringing together local and international positions in contemporary art. The individual works will be selected from the applications submitted in response to the call for entries.In particular, artists and groups who work with other disciplines in a research-based or practically intervening and cross-genre manner are invited to participate.
Click here for the Open Call Entry Form! Deadline for submissions is February 25, 2024.
Curated by Thomas Judisch
Graphic: Michael Merkel