WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Thomas Judisch + Susanne Ring – Über Kinderträume und andere Weisheiten
Wishes are spaces of experience – vessels in which thoughts, once conceived, can manifest themselves. The space holds them together and gives them contour. Through ceramic spatial bodies and pictorial text spaces, Susanne Ring and Thomas Judisch create an interplay in order to pursue the question of castles in the air and other longings in dialogue. What answers are ultimately in the room, can be experienced for yourself in the WERKRaum of GEH8.
Vernissage: Saturday, April 29, 2023, 16-22 hrs.
Duration: April 29 – May 26, 2023
Where: GEH8 WERKRaum, Gehestr. 8, 01127 Dresden, Germany.
Opening hours: Viewing of the workroom by appointment or can be viewed at any time through the window on Gehestrasse.
Photo: Work by Susanne Ring, photographed by Oliver Moest.