We are becoming greener!
A lot has happened in the past year. The area of the GEH8 Kunstraum has changed a lot and shines in new glory as you can see in these before/after pictures:
The building was completely modernized. The roof was newly covered and greened, sanitary facilities were built, new wiring was installed and rooms were prepared for a future café.
Also on the outdoor area a lot has happened. What once had stood abandoned in the quarter with an industrial flair has turned into a green oasis: Together with the Stadtgärten e. V. and participants of the “Voluntary Ecological Year” of the SUA – Environmental Academy, more than 200 plants have been planted and green spaces have been created in the past few weeks. Among other things, chokeberries, wine, various varieties of currants and the rediscovered apple sort “Voluntary Ecological Year” were planted. The fruit is medium-sized, yellow with red spots, sweet, juicy and finely aromatic.
A herb spiral was also created on our outdoor area. Various old types of herbs and classics such as mint and lemon balm have found a place on the outdoor area of the old wagon hall.