Young artist community of the GEH8 conquers Pieschen

Trial dates 26.2., 4.3., 11.3., 18.3. each at 4 pm at GEH8
further information at ourspace.geh8.de

Young people between the ages of 13 and 18 from Pieschen and the surrounding area can try their hand as artists in the OUR SPACE project and discover and conquer spaces for themselves. They get their own studio room in the GEH8, which they furnish and use as they wish. And they will be accompanied by two experienced artists: With André Tempel they will go on a tour of discovery in the district as urban art guerrillas, undertake smaller or larger temporary interventions, leave traces and generate attention – and design the public space. Christian Rätsch, who also moderates and produces the TV show on the art blog Vasistas, will explore the district with them using smartphones, photos and video and create a media space in the form of a blog.

The participants form a community of artists in which they try out different roles, decide together which workshops they need, which experts and artists they would like to invite and where they would like to go on excursions… And for the finale they produce their own exhibition with the themes they want to set around art and urban development. Opening party of course included!

Start: 22 April
How long? Until Christmas 2020
How often? One afternoon per week

Information and registration: ourspace@geh8.de or WhatsApp/SMS to 015731645328 with password OUR SPACE, name and age


The project is supported by the European Social Fund ESF under the name „Schüler ins Atelier“.