The final documentary on Frei.Raum.Direkt. 2021 is here!
It’s done! We are pleased to announce the completion of the documentation of our project Frei.Raum.Direkt. 2021, which is now available for download here as a PDF:
Frei.Raum.Direkt_Documentation_GEH8 ENGLISH
But not only that! In addition to the completion of the documentation, we are also pleased with the successful implementation of this very ambitious project as a whole. For Frei.Raum.Direkt. was art in the best sense of the word, a courageous step into unknown territory, an experiment and a venture, guided by the good hope for the possible and the conviction that the given can be changed. Its success has encouraged us to continue on the path we have chosen, to use artistic means to initiate socially necessary discourses and to conduct them together with committed partners.
With Frei.Raum.Direkt. and its diverse activities and cooperations, we have developed an important basis for this. We brought a large number of users – both informal and official – of the fantastic open space Alter Leipziger Bahnhof in Dresden into conversation with each other and activated them for a co-productive urban development thanks to Brainwalk, a conference of actors and a process workshop. It was particularly important for us to take a young perspective. Together with the young participants of Frei.Raum.Direkt. Young Satellites and OURSPACE, our format for cultural education, we created an informal learning space in workshops and three one-week summer courses as an interface between artistic practice and co-productive, community-oriented urban development.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all participants, cooperation partners, fellow campaigners and all sponsors!
Here you can watch our Project-Video again we uploaded in summer!