FAR SIGHT – close up


„far sight“ Kunstaktion: 4.10.08 20:00 Uhr mit Färgfabriken, Stockholm /geh8, Dresden / Lars Ramberg, Oslo – Berlin

Jan Hietala & Joachim Granit The Radius of A Future

supported by:

Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz / Schwedische Botschaft, Berlin / Norwegische Botschaft, Berlin

with the cooperation partners:

Jan Åman and Joakim Granat, Färgfabriken Stockholm.

Since the mid-90s, färgfabriken has developed into an independent cultural actor in Stockholm – in the fields of art, urbanity, politics and society. Färgfabriken started with just a few people in an old production hall for dyes. Through commitment, luck and skill, the actors have succeeded time and again in taking up current issues in all of the above-mentioned areas and linking them to each other without committing themselves to a clear political or ideological discourse or allowing themselves to be pigeonholed. In this way, färgfabriken has always been able to create very different positions in a provocative but open exchange – in exhibitions, workshops, seminars, happenings and events.

Jan Åman is the director and co-founder of färgfabriken in Stockholm and in this role is also active as a curator, publicist and cultural critic. Joakim Granat is a visual artist, working at Färgfabriken as a project manager focusing on art in public space and urban development. At Geh 8, Jan Åman and Joakim Granit will act as “test visitors” in Dresden in our workshop far sight and communicate their impressions and comments publicly together with Tina Beifuss from Geh 8 in the art action on October 4.

Lars Ramberg

In the context of Fadenkreuz – Norden, the Norwegian artist Lars Ramberg is also invited to a final art action on October 4.

His works impress above all by including also strongly ideologically, socially and politically explosive topics and representative public spaces with maintained artistic integrity in his works and actions. In doing so, he seeks out precisely such topics and places and, in his realizations, points to surprising and alternative possibilities of perception, thus theoretically opening up for his audience alternative ways of acting beyond prevailing ideological and political strategies.

Since for Lars Ramberg the double perspective “from outside and inside” (given by his own origin and change of place) is an important creative component, his action in the context of “Fadenkreuz: Norden – far sight” will also deepen and expand these aspects of perception.