ART FAN Exhibition
30.04. – 17.05.2009
On April 30, the exhibition “art-fan” opens in the geh8-Kunstraum as part of the exhibition series Fadenkreuz 2009. While international art positions from all four points of the compass were presented in the geh8-Kunstraum in 2008, this time the view is shortened and attention is focused on the diversity of the immediate cultural environment in Dresden and Saxony. This view is focused on producer spaces, i.e. exhibition and event spaces run by artists.
On this occasion geh8 Kunstraum Ateliers e.V. invites you to an encounter in which the essence and dynamics of local art and cultural production are illuminated in a snapshot. The English title of the exhibition is to be understood here in its possible ambiguity exemplarily – art: English for art, in the extended sense also for the “state of the art” – the current state of things and fan: English for follower, admirer, lover, but also fan, hair dryer or blower. The term art fan thus symbolizes the places of current art and culture operated by fans with a high level of personal commitment, as well as their diversity and impact.
ART FAN Symposium here!
The concern of the exhibition is to trace the conditions and contents of such producer spaces in contemporary art itself. Selected artistic positions will be presented that, in their engagement with socially or politically relevant themes, reflect the personal commitment behind producer spaces and the situation of art production on a local level. Art historian Jasper Kettner has been invited to curate and direct the exhibition.
Jens Besser
Stefanie Busch
Marc Floßmann
Kata Huszár
Maja Linke
Mo Nabil
Christoph Rodde
Christine Schiewe
Cosima Tribukeit
supported by Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz