Over 400,000 euros for our roof, new windows and house electrics
With 403,390 euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), first the roof and then the facade will be renovated. The electrical installation will also be renewed. Last Wednesday 25.07.) Minister Roland Wöller (Saxon State Ministry of the Interior) handed over the funding notice for the renovation.
These funds are part of a framework decision from 2015 for the program “Sustainable Urban Development ERDF 2014 to 2020”, which after two increases now totals 9.2 million euros. This will enable demographic, social and economic disadvantages in the “Dresden Northwest” development area to be countered compared with the city of Dresden as a whole. For example, measures to reduce migration and strengthen the neighborhood as an economic and social area are being promoted. Derelict land is to be made usable and CO2 emissions reduced.
“Programs of this kind are important for the most harmonious and balanced development of a city. Municipalities, associations or volunteers can set up projects that are close to life and everyday life, that also integrate socially disadvantaged people, give them support and a task. In addition, the neighborly togetherness in a neighborhood is promoted,” says Minister of the Interior Prof. Dr. Roland Wöller.
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