Signing of the Dresdner Charta für Nachhaltigkeit im Kultursektor

On Friday, March 25, 2022, we as an arts and cultural center and 24 other associations and institutions in Dresden signed the “Dresden Charter for Sustainability in the Cultural Sector. In doing so, we commit ourselves to conscientious use of ecological, social and economic resources in the fields of action “Procurement and Resource Management,” “Mobility,” “Building Technology and Energy,” “Employee Promotion and Satisfaction,” and “Communication.” The circle of Dresden cultural institutions that signed the “Culture for Future” charter from the spectrum of municipal and state cultural institutions in January has thus been expanded to include the important scene of independent sponsors and initiatives.

The commitment to the charter is combined with an appeal to all cultural institutions and actors in the arts and culture to join the charter and undertake their own sustainability efforts. The appeal is supported by a video campaign on the social media channels of the state capital Dresden.


Copyright: Landeshauptstadt Dresden