Art needs support!

Pupils, students or pensioners wanted for exhibition supervision!

In 2018, we are looking for assistance in overseeing our exhibitions:

Stairway to Heaven (2.6. – 30.6.2018)
BIGASSO Baby (8.9. – 22.9.2018)
Dem Vaterland zu Zier und Ehr (29.9. -11.10. und 14.10.2018)
DAVE (20.-21.10. und 25.-28.10.2018)


Do 16 – 20 Uhr
Fr & Sa 16 – 19 Uhr
So 15 – 18 Uhr

Only for DAVE:
Do & Fr 17 – 20 Uhr
Sa 15 – 19 Uhr
So 15 – 18 Uhr

Which tasks should you do?

– You independently open and close the premises again
– You operate the exhibition technology independently
– You reliably supervise the exhibition hall
– You are available as a contact person for simple questions of the visitors

What should you be able to do?

You should be very reliable, independent, sociable and of course interested in art. Ideally, you will take over the supervision of an entire exhibition in a small self-organized team.

You will receive a reasonable expense allowance.