WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Thomas Judisch + Robert Vanis – Die Kubatur des Alltags
This year we are continuing our GEH8 + 1 concept, in which each studio tenant invites a person from outside the studio to realize an exhibition together in the WERKRaum. The season kicks off with Thomas Judisch, who has photographer Robert Vanis as his guest.
Following on from his 2006 installation White Cube in the Primakunst Container, Kiel, the sculptor and conceptual artist Thomas Judisch has been researching the formal language of the packaging industry ever since. The focus is on polystyrene objects that are used to protect mostly electronic devices. They form the basis of an artistic exploration. The objects serve as a backdrop for model figures from the 3D printer. This creates scenes of our everyday life in a stereotypical mood.
The objects are juxtaposed with the photo series Derby Houses by Robert Vanis from 2008, which reflects peculiar facades in a grotesque way. The motifs are English middle-class houses in the city of Derby. Their façades were aligned with the horizontal and vertical central axes, individualizing the identical houses. By mirroring one half of each house, this architectural attempt is taken ad absurdum. The surrounding area now also follows this principle and brings about a new construction of the existing architecture, gardens and forecourts.
Special event: Lecture at the Pecha Kucha Night at Zentralwerk by Thomas Judisch & Robert Vanis – The cubature of everyday life
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 8 p.m.
Place: Zentralwerk, Riesaer Str. 32, 01127 Dresden
Vernissage: Friday March 08, 2024, 3-8 pm
Duration of the exhibition: March 08 – April 14, 2024
Where: GEH8 WERKRaum
Opening hours: Viewing of the workroom by appointment or can be viewed at any time through the window on Gehestraße