Pecha Kucha Night at GEH8

Open stage for inspiration & networking:
Actors from the fields of art, culture, sports and science present current projects in 6:40 min. each.

Pecha Kucha (Japanese “chattering all the time”, registered word mark) is a lecture technique in which images matching an oral presentation are projected on the wall. Each presentation lasts 6:40 minutes. Following the speeches, the speakers interact with the audience at the bar. The format was first used in February 2003 in Tokyo by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham at a design event and has since spread worldwide.


The speakers are:

Prof. Dorothea Becker Alter Leipziger Bahnhof

Julia Boswank Die Katze

Frank Elsner Breitensportcampus Mickten

Paul Elsner GEH8urban

Annett Gerlach Demonstration, Protest, Riot

Lucas Klinkenbusch & Annika Schwippl Institut für räumliche Resilienz

Uljana Rogoshina 10 Jahre Schichtarbeit

Nilsson Samuelsson Herzquartier

Sarah Urban Neues Volkshaus Cotta


When: 23. Juni 2022
Start: 20 Uhr
Where: GEH8

Entry free / Donation wants


Supported by the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.