Exhibition + Finissage-Brunch: Grüner wird’s nicht!?
Exhibition + Finissage-Brunch „Grüner wird’s nicht!?”
In the discussion of the annual theme 2021 of the GEH8 “Grüner wird’s nicht!?” the artists Heinz Schmöller and Thomas Judisch conceive an expansive exhibition for the hall of the Atelierhaus. On display will be artworks by artists who express themselves in a processual and installative way in their working methods. They question concepts of sustainability and the idea of a more conscious life in the future. Objects and installations combine to form a parkour of artifacts.
Ceramic objects that deal with disposable packaging (Stephen Wilks) can be found next to casts in bronze of objects from our everyday world of goods (Thomas Judisch). Old VEB factory gloves are turned inside out to show the recyclability of things (Raffael Rheinsberg). Large plate reliefs deal with the similarity of discarded circuit boards and the cuneiform writing of ancient artifacts (Jahna Dahms). Foam columns proliferate like mushrooms that seem to keep the shaky setting stable (Verena Issel). A video installation moves between land art and performative technology fetish (Praxis für alternative Handlungen). And a group of young artists* present assertions on the theme of “further, further,…” on an island-like installation (Muthesius Kunsthochschule). (Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Kiel). Yes, and hovering over everything the question of the changeability of a culture in material abundance to a utopia of appreciation.
Here you can see some impressions:
Finissage-Brunch: July 18, 2021, 11 a.m. (the GEH8 invites)
Due to the pandemic situation, we will forego a classic vernissage and instead invite you to a finissage brunch at GEH8. The artists will be present.
Duration: 25.6.2021 – 18.7.2021, 16-20 p.m.