Stairway To Heaven

A group show with Margit Greinöcker (AT), Juliane Stiegele and UTOPIA TOOLBOX (DE), Philipp Gloger (DE) und Judy van Luyk (NL).

The exhibition STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN is relating to processes of urban development, which are in direct proximity to Geh8 – a former repair shop for waggons close to an industrial wasteland. The art center GEH8, which is currently going through a development phase of urban space will be playing a more central role in the urban environment.

In respect of these processes artistic works will be exhibited which are dealing with the visuality of urban development, the process of growth and the patterns of behaviour. The global, local and omnipresent wish for growth, which can be understood as a special form of ornament, will be humorously or thoughtful translated by 4 artists.

Curator: Antje Seeger


Image: Stairway to Heaven, Standbild aus dem Video, © Margit Greinöcker