Konzert: Seventh Floor – “Chronicle” Release Tour
Are you ready to create memories for eternity? Because that’s exactly what the Dresden indie punk band “Seventh Floor” is planning to do with you on their very first tour! In a total of 22 cities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, it’s 22 times: peaceful, uninhibited escalation until the sweat drips from the ceiling of the popular scene club. History is made within these four walls, each time anew and each time completely individual and unique. Look forward to a rollercoaster ride of emotions, rousing sing-along hooks and a stage show with lots of charm and love. The four newcomers have their brand new first album “Chronicle” with them, packed full of indie punk anthems that will stay in your ears for a long time to come. Pop punk meets indie rock, American Pie mukke meets deep lyrics, visitors meets memories that are guaranteed to last a lifetime. Together with Seventh Floor, let’s celebrate the vibe of small indie club shows down to the very last detail, cherish every single second and then take these positive emotions home with us, well packaged. To look back on forever with a smile.
When: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Start: 7 pm
Where: GEH8