WERKRaum Exhibition + Vernissage // Marleen Andreev + Juliane Schmidt – Justthetwoofus
Just as lines meet in a drawing, the paths of the visual artists Marleen Andreev and Juliane Schmidt cross – this time in the workroom of GEH8. Conceptually seeming but painterly intuited, both aestheticize in their artworks phenomena of everyday life in their own respective visual language. With their musical collaboration in a singing project grew the desire of both to confront their positions in this exhibition for the first time on a visual artistic level.
Vernissage: Saturday, June 03, 2023
Time: 16 – 20 h
Duration of the exhibition: 03 June – 09 July 2023
Where: GEH8 WERKRaum, Gehestr. 8, 01127 Dresden, Germany.
Opening hours: Visiting the workroom by appointment,otherwise visible at any time through the window on Gehestrasse.