KATALYZATOR – New cross-border network and cultural catalyzer
Symposium and Launch Session:
KATALYZATOR – New cross-border network and cultural catalyzer
initiative by GEH8, Dresden (DE) and Hraničář, Ústí nad Labem (CZ)
The newly developed, cross-border network connects professional artists and cultural managers in the Bohemian-Saxonian border region in order to promote the positioning of independent art and culture in the regional development. The network is designed as communication platform offering all members a professional environment, consulting, training, exchange of experience and the opportunity to implement own projects.
The symposium presents the actors and vision of the network, with special guests and cultural programme.
The symposium will be held in Czech and German language with interpreters.
The symposium is open for public. Admission is free of charge.
Programme details and registration under: https://katalyzator.net
1. turn: Cultural exchange and cross-border networks in the region
date: May 15, 2019
location: GEH8, Gehestr. 8, 01127 Dresden (DE)
10:00 – 10:30 am: Get-together
10:30 – 12:00 am: Open talk session:
Cultural networks – communication strategies and our network
with Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen (artist, networker and co-organiser of Pixelache Festival, Helsinki)
12:00 am – 1:00 pm: lunch break
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: Open talk session: Cultural networks – organisational structures, capacitiy building and our network
with Michel Quéré (capacity building director of TEH – Trans Europe Halles, Lund)
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm: coffee break
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Presentation: Our network und involved actors from the region
with Veronika Kirchmaier (Kulturfabrik Meda, Mittelherwigsdorf), Felix Schuster (Festival Zukunftsvisionen, Görlitz), Sylvia Angele (riesa efau, Dresden), Mirek Koranda (Kuprospěchu, Chomutov), Hana Galiová (Kinoklub Ostrov, Litoměřice), Lenka Kahuda Klokočková (Litho Lito, Litoměřice), Petra Filipovská & Leona Nesvadbová (Ahoj Nazdar Čau, Liberec), Michaela Spružinová (Galerie DESKA, Ústí nad Labem) as well as Paul Elsner (GEH8, Dresden) and Aleš Loziak (Hraničář, Ústí nad Labem)
moderated by Christina Frankenberg (deputy director of Czech Centre, Berlin)
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm: coffee break
4:45 pm – 5:15 pm: Keynote speeches:
From the Middle Ages to the 2000’s –
Cross-border cultural exchange between Saxony and Bohemia
with Lenka Nemravová (historian and co-curator of the exhibition „Saxony Bohemia 7000“, State Museum of Archaeology, Chemnitz and National Gallery Prague),Alexander Pehlemann (curator and art historian, chief editor of Zonic Magazine, co-organiser of the festival „PolenmARkT“ and initiator of „Neue Sorbische Kunst“, Leipzig) and Jan Kvapil (germanist and cultural mediator, J. E. Purkyně University and coordinator of CEPRONIV – Center for the Promotion of the German Language and Intercultural Education, Ústí nad Labem)
moderated by Christina Frankenberg
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm: Discussion panel: History, present and future in the Saxon-Bohemian region – Cultural exchange, networks and cross-border relations
with Lenka Nemravová, Alexander Pehlemann and Jan Kvapil
as well as Paul Elsner and Aleš Loziak
moderated by Christina Frankenberg
parallel: Artistic programme:
with Michaela Spružinová (installation/video), Žarko Aleksić (performance)
and Mandy Münzner (graphics)
from 6 pm: Get-together, open bar and campfire
Katalyzator meets TEH – Trans Europe Halles
The symposium is a pre-event of TEH 87, a conference of Trans Europe Halles hosted by Zentralwerk, Dresden, May 16 – 19, 2019. More info: https://teh87.zentralwerk.de/
2. turn: Socio-economic impact of cultural organizations on their local environment
date: May 24, 2019
location: Hraničář, Prokopa Diviše 1812/7, 40001 Ústí nad Labem (CZ)
10:00 – 12:00 Open talk sessions and networking, presentation of the network and actors
13:00 – 15:00 Conference: Why to invest in culture of the region?
from 16:00 Get-together, gallery and museum night
Mirek Koranda (Kuprospěchu, Chomutov): Cultural effects on the region – Case studies from abroad
Barbora Tóthová (Antena.sk, Košice): How a cultural network works in Slovakia
Dita Eibenová (Plato, Ostrava): Ostrava and the European Capital of Culture
The symposium is followed by the local gallery and museum night in Ústí nad Labem – you can look forward to theatre performances, video projections in the streets, classical music, art interventions, workshops and much more.
The symposium is an event in framework of the project “Public Platforms for Culture in the City – Cooperation Forum for Culture Ústí nad Labem – Dresden”. The project is supported by means of the European Union and the Czech-German Fund for the Future.
GEH8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V is funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and the City of Dresden. Veřejný sál Hraničář is supported by the Statutory City of Ústí nad Labem, the State Cinematography Fund and the Ministry of Culture of Czech Republic.