Kunst.Raum.Konzerte present: Gomringer & Scholz

The Kunst.Raum.Konzerte offer a platform for the fusion of sound-, image- and space-based arts. In the process, music is always joined by another art form. Each band develops – in addition to playing their own pieces – a composition in real time together with the audience.

Philipp Scholz listens. Nora Gomringer breathes in, Scholz takes a breath, Gomringer starts, Scholz drums, Gomringer speaks and PENG PENG PENG. Old magic in a new guise is created: jazz & recitation.

The mixture: the word and the beat, humor and profundity in equal measure, a microphone, a drum set and two gifted artists: Nora Gomringer recites her own texts as well as lines from the entire world literature – from Dorothy Parker to the experimental literature of the 20th century and great classics.

Jazz drummer Philipp Scholz sets the beat, accompanies Gomringer’s wild word-stepping, directs, disturbs and points out the speaker. Together, they provide a fatally erroneous bang of the highest order on stage.


When: Thursday, October 14, 2021

Start: 8 pm

Where: GEH8 Art Space

VA venue: GEH8 Kunstraum, Gehestraße 8, 01127 Dresden

VVk: 10€ / reduced 7 € + VVK fees

Here you can buy tickets!


Reduced: Pupils/students/trainees, Dresden Pass holders, severely handicapped IDs