open call real insect estate

Call for proposals for the artistic conception and realization of an insect hotel

The cultural center GEH8 in Dresdens wants to combine environmental protection with art and is looking for unusual and fresh designs for an insect hotel on its facade that does justice to species protection. The best entries will be selected by a jury of experts and the first-place winner will be asked to implement the concept by September 2021. 

The conditions of participation and species protection criteria (PDFs on this page) must be observed.

Apply now until 06.06.2021



The destruction of natural habitats for wild bees is particularly glaring in urban areas and subsequently leads to the destruction of biodiversity and ecosystem performance. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of awareness of the problem.

The project “real insect estate” aims to draw attention to the issue in an exemplary and innovative way and calls for the design of an insect hotel on the facade of the cultural center GEH8 by means of a nationwide art competition. The competition is open to artists, designers, architects and all interested parties who would like to deal with the topic in a creative and technical way.

In 2020, numerous greening measures were carried out in the newly created neighboring park on Gehestraße in Dresden-Pieschen and on the grounds of the GEH8 cultural center. The “real insect estate” project is intended to create a habitat for wild bees here and to have a high ecological educational impact by combining art and nature.

Numerous people are aware of the various ecological problems we face, but there are hardly any creative ideas for communicating them. Environmental protection must not only be meaningful, but also exciting. Here art can find solutions that reach people not only rationally. Through a catalog, the best designs of the various insect hotels are documented and brought closer to a broader target group.



A cross-disciplinary jury of experts consisting of artists, designers and experts in environmental protection will award prizes to the 3 best designs and will also produce a selection of entries that will be published in an accompanying catalog.
The prizes are as follows:

1st place 3.500€ (includes all costs for the structural implementation)
2nd place 500€
3rd place 300€



The draft must be submitted by 06/06/2021 and includes the following items:

In a PDF (max. 1 page):

Name, year and place of birth + website of the applicant, if applicable
Specification of material / size / title of the project, if applicable
Text on the concept/design max. 1,000 characters

As JPEG files

Images of the design (max. 5 images), 300 DPI

Please send the documents as a downloadable link. If the data is not complete, the submission is invalid. The drafts will remain in the archive of GEH8 Kunst Raum Ateliers gUG for internal purposes. The sender allows the publication in the context of the project.



Conditions of participation

Criteria for species protection

About GEH8

Blick auf die GEH8 vom Radweg

Image 4 of 4

Project management:

Michael Merkel


In cooperation with:


Professorship for Design Theory
Faculty of Architecture



Awarded with: