04.02. – 08.02.2013


A project of u r b a n o f e e l Kooperationsgemeinschaft in cooperation with geh8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V.

The time has come! The city safari continues. So open your eyes! This time you are going on a picture hunt. Find your favorite motifs, stalk them, plan your forays and hunt in teams for the most impressive places and images of the district. You will learn about the various possibilities of digital photography and receive your own safari diary. The city safari is an action platform for young urban explorers. Together with artists, planners and other urban experts, you will explore the city as your living space, which you can actively help to shape. Until summer 2013, the city safari offers you the possibility of a “multimedia” voyage of discovery through Pieschen, the Hechtviertel and the Leipziger Vorstadt, in addition to forays on unusual paths. Further information at:


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